We took a break today to go outside a have a special treat...Axl's first Popsicle! It was a pretty big hit...of course, he'd be having a great time anyway with his other two favorites... Dad and his chair! :)
When I got Axl up this morning and brought him down for breakfast the dishwasher was open. He refused to get in his chair to eat until he emptied the silverware tray and put everything in the silverware drawer. It ended up looking like this as he is not actually tall enough to see in, but has noticed, I guess, that the silverware always goes in this drawer. His head even took a beating several times on the corner of the drawer as he grabbed handfuls of forks and spoons to put up into the drawer. I pleaded with him to just stop and we could eat breakfast, but he was persistent! It was adorable.
We headed up to Tar Fork for Conference Weekend and it just so happened that Easter fell on the same Sunday this year. It was great to hear the messages on such a special holiday; however I will say that I get SUBSTANTIALLY less out of conference while corralling an 18 month old and trying to keep him from opening and shutting a door that doesn't latch millions (I don't think I'm exaggerating) of times, Unsuccessfully. It was a WONDERFUL time with family and friends and I will catch what I missed of course, in the Ensign. :)
We started the weekend with a trip to Kenny's, a restaurant I was only able to visit once before it transferred ownership and is now, not as exciting. After dinner we walked to a nearby park, which was, still just as exciting. :)
Axl must walk with one foot on and one foot off of a sidewalk. Always.
the slide was a big hitexcept with Elena, who just chose to dance :)
Axl had his first 4-wheeler ride with DadThe sun was pretty bright...for both of us :)The Easter Bunny even made it to Tar Fork! It was so great to see Axl so excited for such a treat! All parenting skills went out the window and jelly beans were swallowed by the mouthful! Axl LOVES the CARS couch!
Relaxing on Easter morningAxl shared his seat with a lounging cousin :)...and had a somewhat traumatic first "creek" experience :)
As a result of the failed 1-hour glucose test, my doctor ordered a 32 week growth scan for baby Cooper. Though I thought it was kind of silly, seeing that I passed the 3-hour test, I didn't argue because it'd just be another opportunity to see her! :)
so...she's still a girl and looking great, weighing about 4 lbs and 12 ounces. The measurements put her in the 65th percentile--which is pretty perfect. They wouldn't worry about it unless a baby measured in the 90th or above. The pictures weren't great, as it's getting to be a pretty tight squeeze in there, but we did get to see her open and close her mouth, rub her eyes, and the tech said we should definitely buy some hairbows because she could already see hair!
We were married on July 21st, 2007. Our son, Axl, was born on September 19th, 2008, our daughter, Cooper, was born on May 21st, 2010, and our 2nd daughter, Naomi, was born October 22nd, 2012. We're loving every minute of life! --that we're not getting pooped, puked, or peed on :)