Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cooper is 2 months old!

2 month stats:
Weight: 11 pounds 14 ounces 75th percentile
Height: 24 inches 90th percentile
Head Circumference: 38.5 cm 55th percentile
Our little girl is just growing and growing. I cannot express how grateful we are to have worked out her issues and to finally be able to enjoy having a second child. She is on two medicines, Zantac morning and night, and Donnatol, which she gets 30 minutes before she eats. Donnatol, once we worked out the schedule, has literally saved our lives. She is on a pretty strict 3 hour eating schedule, so that we can ensure she has the Donnatol on her tummy the right amount of time, but the schedule is definitely suiting her well. She is awake for and hour and a half and then typically takes an hour and a half nap. Now this has only been going smoothly for about a week, so I hope it continues! And even bigger news...She has been sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks! She lies down shortly after Axl goes to bed and I wake her up to feed her at 11 or 11:30 and then she doesn't wake up until between 7 and 8. I am of the opinion that Babywise is just magical. I started it with Axl at about 3 or 4 months so we didn't reap the full benefits (he was still waking up to eat in the night at 6 months), but it has just worked wonders with Cooper. I think it definitely helps with her reflux and colic to be on a good schedule.
Her waketime is full of fun; she is giggling a little bit, cooing, and her arms and legs move at about 90 miles an hour while she lies under her toys. She just started to be able to hold her head up a little in the last couple of days.
Most of the time Axl doesn't really care what's going on with her, but I thought I'd note that whenever we leave a room or get out of the car, he ALWAYS reminds me to get the baby. Which is good, I guess, because we wouldn't want to leave her behind. :)

I can't, for the life of me, get Tyler to stop calling her "little David". I think he calls her this more than he does Cooper. I do agree that she looks like my brother, but she is a girl for goodness sakes!
Happy two months, Cooper Jay!

1 month old 6/21/2010

2 months old 7/21/2010


Sierra said...

I absolutley LOVE babywise! This makes me so happy to hear that it is working well with Cooper, even though you have had so many other issues. I was nervous that maybe I just lucked out with Caylor, but he also started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. I did the same thing: he went to bed around 7 and then I would feed him about 11, and then he would sleep until 7 in the morning! It was great! Glad things are going better, let me know if you ever need anything or want to have a playdate.

Kauti Nicholls said...

she is so cute! AND I adore her bedding--beautiful!!!