Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cooper Update

We're still giving Zantac twice daily, still projectile vomiting at least once daily and most days (with the glorious exception of this past weekend) are pretty rough. We had another appointment with the doctor today (side note: she weighs 11 pounds 5 ounces) and he tried to refer us to the Pediatric Gastroenterologist but they gave us an appointment for October 7th..hmmm..he says, "don't worry, I'll have her well by then". :) We started Donnatol every four hours for "colic". If she's not better in two weeks he will send us to Cincinnati Children's (I definitely didn't get the impression this was because it was extremely serious--just that they could see us sooner than UK). Keep her in your prayers as I don't feel 100% great about giving her so much medicine all the time...I just hope we get this figured out soon.


The Hicks of Kentucky said...

Awww poor Cooper. I hope she starts feeling better soon. I know this has to be so stressful on you. Seriously, if you need ANYTHING please let me know! This even means dropping off the kids sometime so you can run errands, date night, etc!

Romney Family said...

Hi JoAnna. I am here in Utah and my sister's baby has colic really bad as well and here doctor told her to give him Gripe Water. Have you tried that? It worked great for him. Just thought I would try to help out while I was out here. Good Luck with her. I hope she starts feeling better.