Monday, December 1, 2008

Axl's 2 Month Doctor Visit

Last week we went back to see Doctor Wiglesworth for Axl's 2 month appointment. I went in knowing that he would get his first shots at this visit so I came armed with Tylenol drops and my mother...I couldn't give the drops to him before because we didn't know what he weighed, but as soon as they told me the amount I went ahead and gave it to him hoping it would take the edge off. Axl has had Mylicon drops before and loves them--no problem at all getting him to swallow. Tylenol was a COMPLETELY different story. As soon as the slightest bit touches his tongue he starts tonguing and spitting it out. Anyway--here are the results and of course, pictures. :)

12 pounds 7 ounces 70th percentile
23 1/4 inches tall 50th percentile
Head circumference: 39 1/2 cm 50th percentile

Dr. Wiglesworth--he took care of Axl when he was born at the hospital, so we decided to continue seeing him. He is a resident and I think we may be his only patient--he kept saying, "I kept thinking that he HAS to be 2 months old by now!"--he was waiting for us, ha.
But we think he's great!!

In the waiting room

haha, gran'momarazzi'

I think this picture is priceless. As you can tell--it was a terrible experience for both of us.


Marissa said...

Oh... we moms are so brave to watch doctors 'hurt' our babies! I can't wait until the day that I can explain the why to my baby and she understands!

Laura said...

Those last two pictures are so sweet. Shots are so hard. Poor guy...

And I love the new family picture in the header. It's perfect :)

Kauti Nicholls said...

sad day. the first time caleb had to have shots I left the room and made josh stay with him...couldn't bear to watch that. :(

E said...

Rick had to take Eliza for her shots until we moved to DC and he was at work--she was 6 months old. I still cringe every time they come at one of my babies with a needle--you are a trooper!

Don and Robin Cooper said...

We do whatever is necessary in order to protect our babies, even when it hurts us both. You are a good mom! I love your pics, and you are right, that one with you grimacing is priceless.

singingrae said...

Oh, it's more than a mom can stand to watch your baby go through anything painful. I think I cried as much or more than McKay did, especially in his early days. It's tough.
Hope you had a great trip! How did Axl do?

Kris and Kally said...

He is beautiful!!!! I want to see him in person! Growing up fast too I can see!