My sister-in-law, Brooke, had her baby, Lola Glow Hamilton on June 4th, 2010 at 11:01 pm. She was 8 pounds 1 ounce and has beautiful red hair :)
So, speaking of red heads... we were able to have the other three over to our house for a fun-filled cousin sleepover the night that Jay, Brooke, and Lola came home from the hospital. We all had such a good time, especially Axl...I think he gets bored around here with two adults with lots of stuff to do and a baby slug that can't move around anywhere...and his cousins are SOOO good to him! :)
During our Shrek marathon Ava and Asha had TONS of fun with the blocks. This is one of the countless awesome giraffes Asha built because Axl the Destructor kept attacking them!
Uncle Tyler and I tried to move it to the top of the shelves so that he couldn't get to it, but we ended up destroying one of them as well...So sorry, Ash...
Ava's castleBecause of the new baby, I couldn't be very hands-on in keeping the kids entertained. I was surprised (but shouldn't have been) at how great Tyler was. He jumped right in there and had a blast with them playing dodge ball. I loved watching them play!
The girls' fort
Rock's fort
I am so glad that my kids have so many cousins that live so close since we live pretty close to both of our families. He already loves all of them so much...two of the very few people he calls by name are Rockwell and Gabi (...and Gabi refers to both Gabi and Elena...I guess they are a package deal!)
Anyway, you readheads better be ready for another sleepover soon because we had too much fun with our Shrek marathon, block building, dodgeball, cereal and popsicle dinner and early morning dodgeball to wait too long for another! :)
We were married on July 21st, 2007. Our son, Axl, was born on September 19th, 2008, our daughter, Cooper, was born on May 21st, 2010, and our 2nd daughter, Naomi, was born October 22nd, 2012. We're loving every minute of life! --that we're not getting pooped, puked, or peed on :)
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