Monday, January 19, 2009


This picture was taken about 2 minutes ago. Axl has officially started sucking his thumb at naptime. I'm torn about how to's a bad habit-but it's so darn cute!!


Loretta Valenta said...

BWHAHAHA! I know what you mean! We had one that was a knuckle sucker, one that was a thumb sucker and two that were pacifier babies and two that didn't us anything at all. Thumb suckers are the cutest..until they are 4 or 5 and still doing it! I was always torn too! :)

Janice {Run Far} said...

oh my gosh.. he is seriously so darn cute. I am so happy you blog too. I am a blogging nut. I am putting you on my blog list, it thats ok? ;)

John and Erin said...

Awww....its cute now, but take it from a former thumb-sucker, it is a HARD habit to break! My parents thought I would be going to High School sucking my thumb! My dentist PROMISED me that I would have to get braces...Luckily I gained self-control around age 8...If he needs the support of a recovering addict I will be happy to talk and listen!

Kauti Nicholls said...

Lorelei sucks her thumb too and I love it! I know one day I won't, but for now it's awesome :)