Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We are definitely at some sort of crossroads with Axl's eating...but I'm kind of confused. He seems to have way less of an appetite overall, only nurses a little bit, leaves pumped bottles half full, is definitely OVER baby food (I can usually trick him with sweet fruits for a little while, but he won't finish it anymore) , and only wants to eat (in small amounts) cheerios, crackers, puffs, some raisins, yogurt bites, and toast.

Anybody have any ideas what I should try? Maybe he's ready for more "big people" foods, I'm going to try some pasta, rice, etc. He will occasionally eat bite sized vegetables so I've been giving him those, but for some reason I never feel like he's eating enough for a meal when he won't any baby this normal? Any ideas? Hey, this is my first territory for me- HELP!


Loretta Valenta said...

Kids go through stages like this -- where they will only eat a little or will only eat one or two things. I remember when Jordan would only drink Tang!!! It's hard to not be concerned about it but the important thing to do is to keep offering things to him. One day (hopefully soon!) he will surprise you and take it! :)

Laura said...

Unfortunately, it seems every little one is different, especially in this regard. Cami eats almost anything. We usually feed her what we're eating, just cut up real small. She LOVES hot dogs, although I don't feel right giving her that ALL the time, but every once in a while I do. Also, they have Chef Boyardee (sp?) mini-bites pasta shells and meat balls. That is one of her FAVORITES. I cut the hot dogs in slices and then quarter the slices. And she is just now getting her first tooth, so she's been doing fine just gumming everything. Just don't be afraid of a little gagging. Watch him real close when you have him try new things, but I think he'll surprise you. You probably know that, though. :) He's a cutie!

Sierra said...

I hardly ever give Caylor baby food anymore. I don't know if what I do will help you, but here goes:

Breakfast - 6 oz milk
- Yogurt with puffs and
fruit mixed in

Lunch - ind. package of cooked
- Single serving of
Mac and cheese with
beef or veggies mixed

Dinner - 6 0z. milk and
whatever we eat as a
family for dinner.

That is a typical day, obviously I don't feed him the exact same thing every day but that is a good example of what I do. I was so stressed out about what to feed him for the longest time and how to wean him off bottles/etc. I got some advice from other moms and my doctor and this has worked great. Hopefully it helps you. :)

Amanda Duke said...

My boys are doing the same thing. They love to eat but aren't super excited about pureed foods - they would much rather feed themselves. I've started just giving them table foods but I still give them baby food too. They love puffs, crackers, bread, cheese, and bananas. They will take bottles too but don't seem to drink as much. I just leave the bottles lying around (not for too long but maybe a couple hours) and they drink them on and off between playing. Don't know if that helps but good luck!