Wow- we're getting dangerously close to half a year!! Each day gets more fun as Cooper continues to grow.
She is now EXTREMELY interactive.
She gets really upset if you leave the room--especially if she's having an off day.
She loves loves loves her brother. If he is standing in front of her, she is happy.
She's getting a lot better at holding her head up and can sit comfortably now in the Johnny Jump up and Jumperoo.
She's figured out how to grab her pacifier and will pull it out of her mouth and hold it in front of her face studying it, just like she does with her hands.
The hair on the back of her head is slowly starting to grow back in.
Cooper had her first set of pigtails this month. They were more humorous than cute as they had to be right on top of her head because of her lack of length on the sides. :)
She eats babyfood 2-3 times a day. She has now had apples, pears, cereal, sweet potatoes, and plums. (in that order) She nurses 4 times a day.
Still on Donnatol and Zantac.
She has found her feet!!
She's beautiful! And I think she looks more like you, especially in the eyes!
She gets cuter and cuter each time I see a picture of her!! I love her bedding too- SOOOOO cute! I think this is about when I love babies the most. When their personalities start to show and they start interacting more. It will be so fun to see how she grows! She will definitely be beautiful!
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