Thursday, July 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I've seen many people do a 30 day challenge on their blog, and most recently started following my Cousin, Tara's, challenge. I started thinking about it, and did some research, and a lot of the people who take on this challenge are attempting to make a habit out of blogging. Where blogging used to be a treat for me it has now become something that strikes a chord of guilt. I put together an awesome book from my first year of blogging and gave it to Tyler for his birthday. He loved it. I think more than I thought he would. Probably weekly or bi-weekly when I get busy, or go through a rough patch, he, pretty politely says, "Remember how much I loved that book. You should try and get caught up.", or "Make sure you put this on the blog". And lately the latter has been a joke we get a pretty good laugh out of because I'm so behind. HOWEVER, though perhaps not as frequently, I have taken pictures, and jotted down things to remember over my absences from the blog and do intend to have a book from each year (none probably as awesome as what I like to call my "honeymoon phase" year). Anyway, long story short, here are the reasons I'm going to do the 30 day challenge. When I do not want to blog I will come read this list--hopefully.

1. I truly do want to make a habit out of blogging.
2. I love the book we have that reminds us of all sorts of memorable happenings our first 2 years of marriage.
3. I love my husband, and he likes to keep record of things. Well, I guess likes ME to keep record of things...but anyway...
4. I have found that if I write one post, I am more apt to go back and catch up on a few other ones since I'm in the bloggy, writey, makin' memories kind o' mood.
5. If I complete this challenge, but a habit is not created, I will at least have documented the next 30 days, (I plan on adding different things to the post other than the original topic) which are going to be a BIG 30 days!!

So, here we go. Unless I fail miserably and don't post another one after today (in which case I probably don't want to hear a WORD about the blog), please motivate me! :)

1. A photograph of myself today and three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
2. 15 facts about me.
3. A photo of myself and a description of how my day was.
4. 20 of my favorite things.
5. A photo of myself two years ago.
6. A picture of me when I was little.
7. A picture of someone who inspires me.
8. A recipe.
9. A photo of the last item I purchased.
10. A photo and description of what's in my makeup bag.
11. A photograph of the town I live in.
12. A TV show I'm currently addicted to.
13. Something I don't leave the house without.
14. A photo of something that makes me happy.
15. Something I crave a lot.
16. What's in my purse?
17. A photo of something that means a lot to me.
18. A photo of somewhere I've been.
19. A picture of me last year and now with a description of how I've changed since then.
20. My worst habit.
21. Five of my biggest pet peeves.
22. My celebrity crush.
23. Something I could never get tired of doing.
24. My favorite book.
25. Someone who inspires me.
26. A picture of somewhere I'd love to travel.
27. My dream house.
28. An art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc.) that means something to me.
29. A picture of something I wish I was better at.
30. A picture of something I'm afraid of.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I want to do this too somewhere down the line!! Looks so fun!