Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 3 and Super Arm!

3. A photo of myself and a description of how my day was.

Not the best picture in the world, but we very rarely have the whole fam in a pic and I like that we're all in it :)

My day was pretty great except that it marks the end of our Anniversary weekend celebration. We picked up the couch this morning, came home to pick up the kids, took Axl's cast off (YAY), gave the kiddos baths, had FHE (a rare opportunity with Tyler working nights--HE STARTS DAY SHIFT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and tucked them into bed.

You could tell Axl was pretty relieved to have his bare arm back as we unwrapped the bandages and removed the splint, but pretty quickly he started to feel weird about it. I guess because he hasn't used those muscles in so long, it is foreign to him. He just walks around like he still has the cast on with his little thumb tucked into his fist. As we got him out the bath he told me, "soupa ahm back" (We called it his Super Arm) :)

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