Monday, March 15, 2010

Boys are gross.

Keep in mind that my child will NOT eat many yummy, perfectly edible foods. So you can imagine my surprise when he comes over to me --gnawing on something-- with THIS hanging from his chin. Seriously? The exoskeleton of a nasty, most definitely INEDIBLE BUG? Axl, I love you, but I can't handle the bug eating.


Marissa said...

I don't get it either!!!

Unknown said...

As a mommy of three boys, I agree that boys are gross. This is only the beginning of MANY yucky things that little Axl will eat, touch, and bring over to Momma to see. Oh the icky but wonderful world of boys...

beecoming said...

low points I bet... :)

Tara Black said...

I agree, boys are gross! :) But I must admit, that story was pretty funny. :)