still working 2-10 M-F...boy are we ready for day shift
still attending business school and has gotten straight A's so far!
obsessed with straightening up the garage
enjoying his mornings of PTI and ESPN News and rubbing off on our son
JoAnna is...
30 weeks pregnant
starting to feel ill effects...lack of sleep, hip ache, fatigue, etc
appreciating that she hasn't felt these things until NOW :)
trying to be a good housewife/SAHM, but is definitely still learning...
working on both Axl and Cooper's rooms- Axl's is almost finished and Cooper's is underway
trying to walk a lot to avoid excessive weight gain
loving spending all this time with her husband and son
Axl is...
pointing out every ball, car, and truck he sees
pointing his finger at all puppies and yelling at them
LOVING chili and spaghetti
stomping around everywhere
occasionally peeing on the floor (I suspect on purpose! ...naughty boy)
sleeping soundly in a toddler bed every night, but keeping himself up at least an extra half hour by continuously playing his glow worm
pulling mom's hair
getting tired at about 11:00 every morning and doing he trying to change his nap schedule??
Cooper is...
healthy (according to Dr. Marcum today)
kicking me.
I love this post! The pictures are so adorable!
Life is good, isn't it? :) It's the "little things"!
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