Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Toddler Bed Transitioning...

1st day down...I told myself I was going to start in March to make sure Axl had plenty of time before the baby comes...and then yesterday I realized it was March...yeesh. I've made some pretty good progress on his room so it was pretty easy to make sure most everything unsafe was out. His room looks pretty bare now but there are very few things he could actually hurt himself on. Today a little before nap time Tyler and I took Axl up and told him about sleeping in his big boy bed (we've had it set up in there for a couple days now). We laid him down and he immediately got out. Which doesn't really surprise me because he has been putting himself to sleep in the crib for a while now, like not letting us tuck him in anymore. But anyway, we left and waited awhile. Went back up intermittently and kept finding him just playing, his yummy in mouth holding tightly to bunny bear, at his table and chairs. We put him back in the bed a couple of times, but after about half an hour put him in his crib and he was sound asleep within minutes. I think for a first day it was pretty successful seeing that we have plenty of time and he does seem to know what the bed is for...he's always walking over and laying his head down on it. I just did the same thing for the night time routine only we read some books in his bed. He reacted the same way and I actually heard him a few minutes ago knocking lightly on the door...(adorable) so I went up and got him and plan to put him down in the crib after a little QT. So, wish us luck in the next couple months...hopefully the transition won't be too hard on the Axman.

Also--I think there needs to be some kind of night light in there for bedtime, but the one we have goes with his bedding and is really big and bulky and heavy and has sharp corners, etc. I don't want him attracted to the outlets...what can I use for a little light that's perhaps out of reach?

Axl started acting tired a few minutes ago so I asked if he wanted to go night night in his big boy bed. He emphatically shook his head no and said, "uh-uh". I had to just crack up laughing. This is the one of the first times he's directly answered a question. Guess we have a while to go... :)

1 comment:

John and Erin said...

You are literally blogging faster than I can read!!! Slow down!!!